Saturday, July 21, 2012

Sick Saturday Morning!

This was supposed to post this morning!!

Lindsay Rex got sick late last night and our observations overnight indicated dehydration. This morning plans have changed as we determined we need doctors help to make she she's OK. Likewise, Lindsay Grace was feeling the same way, and Carrie was really sick as well.

So we have a crew staying at the hotel resting and feeling better, a team going to a clinic, and the others with the Brazilians going to the beach for a few hours.

Nothing serious at this point, we just want to make sure.

Prayers are more than welcome, and tonight's plans look slim.

I'll update as word arrives!

1 comment:

  1. David, Carl, Bonnie, and other team members who I may or may not know, thanks for sharing your experience with those of us back in Virginia. I hope everyone is well now and that the rest of your time will be filled with good health, good relationship-building, good work, and lots of agua drinking. If you have a chance try the passion fruit mousse, too!
    On behelf of IOH, thank you for being partners with the Methodist Church of Brazil in this special way.
    Dot Ivey
    Co-Chair, Brazil Initiative
    Virginia Conference.
